Our team of highly trained podiatrists is dedicated to providing you with the best possible care and treatment for your foot condition. We understand that each patient is unique, and that's why we take a comprehensive approach to creating a personalized treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs.
First, we will conduct a thorough examination of your foot and review your medical history to develop a better understanding of your condition. From there, we will work with you to determine the best course of action. Depending on the severity of the damage to your foot, we may recommend surgical excision, which involves removing the cyst or other problem area. Alternatively, we may recommend topical acid solutions or draining the cyst, which can be effective non-invasive options.
In addition to these treatments, we may also prescribe medications to help manage your symptoms and alleviate any pain or discomfort you may be experiencing. We may also recommend orthotics and padding to help support and protect your foot while it heals.
Overall, our goal is to help you achieve the best possible outcome and regain your mobility and comfort. We will be with you every step of the way, providing compassionate care and support throughout your journey to recovery.